No-Reply Emails

November 12, 2021

If you've ever applied for a job online, you've probably received a confirmation email or a rejection email from a no-reply email address. Most modern applicant tracking systems offer no-reply addresses (e.g. [email protected]) and often default to them for company-to-candidate communication. Here's a list of common no-reply addresses and their associated ATS:

ATS No-Reply Address
Ashby [email protected]
Greenhouse [email protected]
[email protected]
Lever [email protected]
Workable [email protected]

I’d love to see recruiters and talent teams pare back their use of no-reply email addresses. Put yourself in a job seeker’s shoes. Most people have trouble managing their inbox during a normal week, and the job search process is anything but normal. Job seekers can get hundreds of messages (initial outreach, scheduling links, calendar invites, assessments, takehomes, etc.) from dozens of prospective employers in a matter of weeks. Obfuscating the sender of those emails behind a mysterious third-party domain makes it that much harder for job seekers to track conversations and stay on top of their search, not to mention dehumanizes the interaction and reinforces the power imbalance between employers and candidates.

Fortunately, most ATSs and other recruiting platforms offer the option to send email from your company's domain (e.g. [email protected] or, even better, [email protected]). Let’s all take advantage of that feature and, in the process, lend a hand to beleaguered candidates.